torsdag 13 december 2012

news: a solo project in the works (the last of the fallen roses)

It is important to understand the inspiration for "the last of the fallen Roses". 

Since this summer, I have been developing several projects, mostly for AgnosCinema. And we have begun shooting The Deserters. 

But I have been really wanting to try something where I have complete control. When you make a movie, you have to rely on every person who is involved. And mostly, you can't make a movie on your own. But this is the idea I had. What if you had a script that allowed for one person to do everything. One Actor, one director, one editor, one everything. 

A lonewolf project?
I plan to write the script, shoot the scenes, and star in the movie. I always do the edit on AgnosCinema movies and will do so here obviously, and I even plan to make the music (which is probably the most scary part). But again, the concept is to make a movie on my own. 

The story is about?
This movie is still in early drafting stages. But the story is clear in my head. It isn't a action movie. It is more of a dramatic take on the life of a lonely hitman.  I was inspired by movies like Drive, Lost in Translation and Somewhere. Movies where the camera just seems to capture the life of people. The story is very simple and it is about this hitman who has to hide in his apartment after a failed job, and we get to see what lurks in the mind of someone who has a somewhat different lifestyle. 

Will there really only be you in this movie? 
Yes, but there will be several characters. And, I mention this again, I am writing a script that incapsulates the idea of a "one man show". It is a bit experimental. But it a pet project. My real focus does lie on The Deserters, but since it is snowing in Sweden, we only have a few flashback scenes to shoot during the winter. And the rest of the time, I have for editing. 

Here is a link to Tommy Starsson FILM:


About the writer: My name is Tommy Starsson. I write on several blogs. And my great passion in life is making movies and writing articles about things in the world that I find fascinating. Please read about my other projects. Don't forget to sign my guestbook. Also you can comment down below. Have a great day.